Luoyang Bridge,Quanzhou--one of three oldest in China
The founder, Tsai Hsian蔡襄, 洛陽橋的興建者
The Luoyang Bridge洛陽橋 is one of three oldest bridges in China, the other two are 北京蘆溝橋 河北趙州橋 Established at Soong Dynasty,it is only the bases remain now. The construction is famous of it's base which made up of large granite stone arrangement as a ship, then the nature oyster's mucoid materials made them firmly attached each other. The idea is so clever that Prof. Bill( with a question:"but there is no oyster, now" . No, from the history aspect, the orifice of the river Luoyang was closed to the sea, then the oysters are riched, not as now, yet.
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