2008年6月15日 星期日

泉州開元寺 Kai-Yuan Temple--One of four oldest temples in China

The main hall of Kai-Yuan Temple. A "missah" is performed for the "512 earthquake"
The garden of the temple

The statue of Sir. Hong-Yi, secular name as Lee, Shu-Tong(弘一大師 李叔同), a famous artist and a monk lately, late 19 century and early 20 century. His work when he was young on the Chinese words of famous song " The greeting when leaving 送別 " is the most popularized of Chinese and Taiwaner aged 20-90 years old. It is a German folk song , but full of Chinese mood.{長亭外 古道邊 芳草碧連天......}
This the memorial hall of The Great Sir. Hong-Yi
The Kai-Yuan Temple, Quanzhou is one of oldest temples in China. Established at Kai-Yuan Era,T'rang Dynasty, ordered by Emperor T'rang Kao-Zhong(唐高宗). The temple is to show the marvelous era, the called'Kai-Yuan's Brilliant Era 開元之治''.
In the buddist temple, there are Four Gods just inside the maim gate, namely as Feng, Tiao, Yu,Shun (wind, regular, rain, ruling 風調雨順 means the winds and rains are O.K. controlled by the gods). However, the Gods here only two remained, and without the symbol tools.

The main hall of Kai-Yuan Temple The root of the house is quite different from the others in China.The interior chamber of the main hall is different that of Taiwan's. The golden Buddhas are five in numbers with different saint name and similar to Tibet-style or Mi-Zhong(密宗), while the Taiwan's are three in number and usually that of Shian-Zhong(顯宗)

The very famous "Gu-Fou"(old Buddha 古佛), date retrospect to 7 th century.

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2008年6月11日 星期三

Shih Lan's old house--施琅故居

施琅故居 在泉州市溫凌北路與湖州路交叉口 2006 06 01才開放 因此 地圖上 還未有"釋雅山公園" 它就是 靖海侯施琅的庭園之一 原為 泉州農校校園 因此得以保存下來 公園特色請看網路介紹 此處 只看故居的現貌 可見官宦人家 門口的石鼓 及屋簷的鳶尾塉 現在有人此養蜜蜂 嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡..........


Luoyang Bridge,Quanzhou--one of three oldest in China

The founder, Tsai Hsian蔡襄, 洛陽橋的興建者
The Luoyang Bridge洛陽橋 is one of three oldest bridges in China, the other two are 北京蘆溝橋 河北趙州橋 Established at Soong Dynasty,it is only the bases remain now. The construction is famous of it's base which made up of large granite stone arrangement as a ship, then the nature oyster's mucoid materials made them firmly attached each other. The idea is so clever that Prof. Bill(http://www.amoymagic.com/) with a question:"but there is no oyster, now" . No, from the history aspect, the orifice of the river Luoyang was closed to the sea, then the oysters are riched, not as now, yet.

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The mosque at Quanzhou--the most famous at Southeastern China

The miniature of Quanzhou Mosque. The main entrance. It is said that there are more than forty thousands peoples are descendants of Arabia at here now. Someone in Taiwan said whoself might be one of the descnedant with prominent face as large eyes, beard, and relative large skull bone......
The Qibar is under reconstruction now, so is the Minbar.

The Mosque is very famous not only for it's external feature but it's hisotry in "marine silk-road " as early as Han Dynasty

清真寺 又名 清靜寺 在泉州市涂門路 往南就是關帝廟 往北就是泉州文廟 在老的泉州地圖裡顯示其位置之突出

Ancient well

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Temple of Matsu, Quanzhou--the only one which is recognized by Emperor Kanxi

The Black-face Matsu
The rear chamber where is belonging Matsu's Dad and Mom
The order of Emperor to Matsu as "Queen of Heaven"

The entrance of the temple, formally as "Shun-Chi Temple" ordered at Yuan Dynasty.
The temple of Matsu,Quanzhou is the only recognized as "Queen of Heaven" by the Emperor Kanxi after the conquer of Taiwan 1683.

The Statue of Matsu, in central of the main chamber , main hall.
The plate is sponsored by Lu-Gang, Taiwan means that the Quanzhou and Lu-Kang is the same origion.
The Powdered -Face Matsu, which is make me remember my Mom when she is young, who passed away 2007 12 01.


2008年6月5日 星期四

Happy birthday God of the city城隍爺生日快樂 泉州市的城隍廟

泉州市因為歷史的緣故 有兩座城隍廟 分別是1"晉江縣城隍廟" 爵位屬於"伯"字輩,2 "泉州府城隍廟" 爵位應該是"侯"字輩 20080517 我和"憲條" 到了泉州 自然會想要看看 一千年前的城隍爺是何等規模 結果 頗為難過 晉江縣城隍廟 只剩下廟門與幾塊石碑 記載此處的故事

這個舊址 現在是一間學校 因為隔日有考試 管理人員 只肯讓我隔著鐵門由外往內拍照 它的實際位置在中山公園的西側巷內 大部分的地圖並沒有標示
廟門內 尚可見到老樹幾株

這招牌 還是在巷子內 沿著巷子 異味撲鼻而來 過了 這同蓮寺 就快到了 許多地圖冊有"同蓮寺"卻不見"府城隍廟"
看完"縣城隍爺"的廟 硬是被我找到了"府城隍爺"的廟(感謝 許多人的協助) 也頗令我難過的是 沒有想像中的富麗堂皇之外 它竟然是"窩居"在泉州一中對面的巷內 在第一條巷子 左轉到"同蓮寺"過後 又有一條更小的下坡巷子 直走 就可看到有"泉州府城隍廟"的招牌 就在小巷巷底 更明顯的招牌看到了 廟的面積大約兩百坪不到 城隍廟的規制也顯然不搭調 沒有"文判 武判 日巡 夜巡 謝必安 范無救 等將軍 更沒有考功司 報應司..."

城隍爺前有紗帳隔開 大概是防止小蟲的干擾

