The UNESCO had assigned the Shiretoko Peninsula as world nature heritage at July 17, 2005,then the famous hot visiting land is more prominent, however, not everyone know why?! Aside the beautiful sea-land scene, the natural wild biodiversity and the protection efforts of Japanese govenment made the area gobal famous. The travel

er can only see half of the peninsula and only the northern part, may be due the southern part is near the Kunashiri-to between Nemuro Strait
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%9B%BD%E5%BE%8C%E5%B3%B6I thought the southern part might be more beautiful...well who know?!
聯合國教科文組織於20050717宣布日本北海道知床半島為世界自然遺產 使得這一個日本政府與民間刻意保護的野生動物棲息地

更進一步為世人所知 目前 觀光客只能搭船在北面觀看 猜想可能因南面與俄羅斯隔著根室海峽還有領土糾紛 1945以後 國後島被蘇聯強佔 在蘇聯解體後並沒有緩和的跡象The kankosen onlyto half the northern coast, not even the Shiretoko lantern house, and the far dull mountains are part of the peninsula, not the occupied Kunashiri-to.觀光船只能沿北岸瀏覽 連知床燈塔也沒有看到 日本政府 刻意保護 可見其用心良苦

有些 tour guidebook 說 遠處是國後島 從地圖看來 不像
標籤: しれとこハンとう